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13021 - Chester and Hester's Pin-O-Rama - Whimsical Animals of Disney's Animal Kingdom Pre-Production Framed Set - Walt Disney World

13021 - Chester and Hester's Pin-O-Rama - Whimsical Animals of Disney's Animal Kingdom Pre-Production Framed Set - Walt Disney World

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PIN & POP PIN ID: 13021

Whimsical Animals of Disney's Animal Kingdom Pre-Production Framed Set is a Limited Edition (LE) 2 pin from the Chester and Hester's Pin-O-Rama Disney pin series. It was originally released on April 13th, 2002 and was available from Walt Disney World.

View all 20 pins from the series Chester and Hester's Pin-O-Rama


Pin Whimsical Animals of Disney's Animal Kingdom Pre-Production Framed Set
Series Chester and Hester's Pin-O-Rama
Origin Walt Disney World (WDW)
Edition Limited Edition 2
Release Date 2002-04-13
Original Price Unknown
Pin Tags
Animal Kingdom The Tree of Life
Pin Trading PTDB 22682
My Pin CentralMPC
Thanks to PinTradingDB for adding this pin.
Pin Description:
Chester and Hester's Garage Sale

While cleaning up their garage, Chester and Hester came across ten unique sets of pins that will only be available for you to bid on during the Blind Auction at Chester & Hester's Pin-O-Rama! Here is a sneak-peak at just one of the items up for bid.
Lot # 1
Whimsical Animals of Disney's Animal Kingdom Theme Park

The pre-production proof, created in real cloisonné, was one of only 2 ever produced. The final set of 5 pins for Disney's Animal Kingdom Theme Park was ultimately produced in synthetic cloisonné.
Estimated Value ~ $150-$350
Updated 2024-09-05 05:48:24