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1519 - Sitting Princesses - Sitting Princesses (Snow White)

1519 - Sitting Princesses - Sitting Princesses (Snow White)

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PIN & POP PIN ID: 1519

Sitting Princesses (Snow White) is an Open Edition pin from the Sitting Princesses Disney pin series. It was originally released on January 1st, 2004 and was available from Multiple Sources (WDW, DLR, etc.).

Pin features Snow White from Snow White & the Seven Dwarfs

View all 4 pins from the series Sitting Princesses


Pin Sitting Princesses (Snow White)
Series Sitting Princesses
Origin Multiple
Edition Open Edition
Release Date 2004-01-01
Original Price $6.50
SKU 400909100168
Pin Tags
Princesses Snow White Snow White & the Seven Dwarfs
Pin Trading PTDB 2124
My Pin CentralMPC 91704
Thanks to PinTradingDB for adding this pin.
Pin Description:
One in a series of pins featuring Disney Princesses sitting.

This pin features Snow White from Walt Disney's Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs. The sitting princess series differs from most of the princess pins released before. These pins show the princesses looking more realistic or like real people rather than cartoon characters. Princess Snow White is shown sitting on the ground in her yellow and blue dress with her red cape. Pin measures 1 & 1/8 inches by 1 & 5/8 inches in size Says on the back: "Official Pin Trading 2004 Walt Disney's Snow White © Disney China" DLR: 3/30/04, # WDW: 5/24/04, #10978802 Pins is this series include: 29332, 29333, 29334, 29335. Disney Soda Fountain Store. It is on a dsf card. It also has the dsf logo on the back of the pin. The sku for it is 400909100168.

Snow White's right leg is extended while her left leg is pulled in close to her
Updated 2024-02-14 16:49:42