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32134 - Ernest S. Marsh Train Pin - Mickey - Disneyland Resort

32134 - Ernest S. Marsh Train Pin - Mickey - Disneyland Resort

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PIN & POP PIN ID: 32134

Mickey is a Limited Edition (LE) 1959 pin from the Ernest S. Marsh Train Pin Disney pin series. It was originally released on July 27th, 2002 and was available from Disneyland Resort.

Pin features Mickey Mouse

View all 6 pins from the series Ernest S. Marsh Train Pin


Pin Mickey
Series Ernest S. Marsh Train Pin
Origin Disneyland Resort (DLR)
Edition Limited Edition 1959
Release Date 2002-07-27
Original Price $12.50
SKU 400006240804
Pin Tags
Mickey & Friends Mickey Mouse Disneyland Railroad
Pin Trading PTDB 33022
My Pin CentralMPC 13409
Thanks to PinTradingDB for adding this pin.
Pin Description:
The Disneyland Railroad was originally known as the Santa Fe & Disneyland Railroad, this steam locomotive #4,was addedto Disneyland on July 25, 1959,(hence the limited edition size).
Itwas named for Ernest S. Marsh – who was the current president of Santa Fe Railroad at the time.

It features Mickey as the Engineer of the Railroad train.
There are 3 wheels that are pin-on-pin free spinners.

The pin series consisted of 6 limited-edition Disneyland Railroad Train pins,one released per month,
All series pins came on a "All Aboard" decorative pin card
Updated 2023-07-25 03:38:03