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33196 - Spectacle of Pins 2002 - Santa Chip & Dale - Walt Disney World

33196 - Spectacle of Pins 2002 - Santa Chip & Dale - Walt Disney World

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PIN & POP PIN ID: 33196

Santa Chip & Dale is a Limited Edition (LE) 800 pin from the Spectacle of Pins 2002 Disney pin series. It was originally released on December 7th, 2002 and was available from Walt Disney World.

Pin features Chip and Dale

View all 11 pins from the series Spectacle of Pins 2002


Pin Santa Chip & Dale
Series Spectacle of Pins 2002
Origin Walt Disney World (WDW)
Edition Limited Edition 800
Release Date 2002-12-07
Original Price $12.50
SKU 400109799810
Pin Tags
Chip and Dale Christmas
Pin Trading PTDB
My Pin CentralMPC 98297
Thanks to Trudy hubbard for adding this pin.
Pin Description:
The pin depicts Chip and Dale in Christmas outfits and they have articulated arms and legs. Both chip and Dale are holding up a star. Chips arms move out, holding a Mickey blue head ornament, and Dale‘s hand holds a bunch of stars. Below is a dangling snowflake, which pulls down the arms and makes the legs move.
Updated 2024-08-14 18:00:33