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36889 - Star Wars Weekends 2009 - Symbol - Jedi Obi-Wan and Anakin Skywalker - Walt Disney World

36889 - Star Wars Weekends 2009 - Symbol - Jedi Obi-Wan and Anakin Skywalker - Walt Disney World

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PIN & POP PIN ID: 36889

Jedi Obi-Wan and Anakin Skywalker is a Limited Edition (LE) 1000 pin from the Star Wars Weekends 2009 - Symbol Disney pin series. It was originally released on May 22nd, 2009 and was available from Walt Disney World.

Pin features Anakin Skywalker and Obi-Wan Ben Kenobi

View all 8 pins from the series Star Wars Weekends 2009 - Symbol


Pin Jedi Obi-Wan and Anakin Skywalker
Series Star Wars Weekends 2009 - Symbol
Origin Walt Disney World (WDW)
Edition Limited Edition 1000
Release Date 2009-05-22
Original Price $12.95
Pin Tags
Star Wars Anakin Skywalker Obi-Wan Ben Kenobi Star Wars Weekend
Pin Trading PTDB 36628
My Pin CentralMPC 114055
Thanks to PinTradingDB for adding this pin.
Pin Description:
Star Wars Weekend 2009 Symbol
Picture from www.disneypins.com
• Spinner pin on one side has the Jedi symbol in blue and on the other side has Obi-Wan and Anakin Skywalker
• On the crest that hold the spinner is written “Star Wars Weekend Walt Disney World 2009”
• This pin was sold individually as well as in a set
Updated 2023-09-07 03:10:44