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40229 - Walt Disney World - Donald Duck Fastpass - Walt Disney World

40229 - Walt Disney World - Donald Duck Fastpass - Walt Disney World

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PIN & POP PIN ID: 40229

Donald Duck Fastpass is a Limited Edition (LE) 2000 pin from the Walt Disney World Disney pin series. It was originally released on February 8th, 2001 and was available from Walt Disney World.

Pin features Donald Duck

View all 18 pins from the series Walt Disney World


Pin Donald Duck Fastpass
Series Walt Disney World
Origin Walt Disney World (WDW)
Edition Limited Edition 2000
Release Date 2001-02-08
Original Price Cast Member Award
Pin Tags
Mickey & Friends Donald Duck
Pin Trading PTDB 39990
My Pin CentralMPC 167916
Thanks to Dom13 for adding this pin.
Pin Description:
This Cast Member pin was given out to mark the debut of the Fastpass system at Walt Disney World and was only given to cast members who took a class to learn how to use the system. The front of the pin has "Disney's" written at the top, "Fastpass" written in white on a red background, and at the bottom is "Get A Time, Why Wait In Line?" Donald Duck is running with his hat flying off his head on the far right of the pin.
Updated 2023-10-04 04:57:29