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41022 - Pinocchio - Pinocchio Green Hat - Error Pin - Walt Disney World

41022 - Pinocchio - Pinocchio Green Hat - Error Pin - Walt Disney World

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PIN & POP PIN ID: 41022

Pinocchio Green Hat - Error Pin is an Open Edition pin from the Pinocchio Disney pin series. It was originally released on October 1st, 1990 and was available from Walt Disney World.

Pin features Pinocchio from Pinocchio (movie)

View all 58 pins from the series Pinocchio


Pin Pinocchio Green Hat - Error Pin
Series Pinocchio
Origin Walt Disney World (WDW)
Edition Open Edition
Release Date 1990-10-01
Original Price $6.00
SKU 400186193051
Pin Tags
Pinocchio (movie) Pinocchio
Pin Trading PTDB
My Pin CentralMPC 122991
Thanks to Daylen for adding this pin.
Pin Description:
This pin shows Pinocchio with a green hat. In the movie, Pinocchio only wore a yellow hat, so it is listed as an error pin. Pinocchio, turned right, struts along. He wears red overalls, yellow and white shirt, blue bow tie, brown shoes, and green hat with red feather and blue band. He is looking to his right and has a big grin. This pin has a waffle-pattern back with "©Disney" and "Made in China."

PinPics #24
Updated 2024-11-19 17:17:33