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43597 - 100 Years of Magic - Walt Disney Film Reel with Mickey and Steamboat Willie - Walt Disney Studios

43597 - 100 Years of Magic - Walt Disney Film Reel with Mickey and Steamboat Willie - Walt Disney Studios

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PIN & POP PIN ID: 43597

Walt Disney Film Reel with Mickey and Steamboat Willie is a Limited Edition (LE) 300 pin from the 100 Years of Magic Disney pin series. It was originally released on December 5th, 2001 and was available from Walt Disney Studios.

Pin features Mickey Mouse

View all 48 pins from the series 100 Years of Magic


Pin Walt Disney Film Reel with Mickey and Steamboat Willie
Series 100 Years of Magic
Origin Walt Disney Studios (WDS)
Edition Limited Edition 300
Release Date 2001-12-05
Original Price Gift
Pin Tags
100th Mickey & Friends Walt Mickey Mouse Steamboat Willie Walt Disney's 100th Birthday Celebration
Pin Trading PTDB
My Pin CentralMPC 119815
Thanks to Daylen for adding this pin.
Pin Description:
The pin has a younger picture of Walt in the center with film strips on each side with Steamboat Willie on one side and "Present" Mickey on the other. On the bottom is says Walt Disney Studios. This was given out to cast members at the Walt Disney 100Th birthday celebration on the Studio lot in Burbank on 12/5/01 to cast members with ID. Search: 100 Years of Magic
Updated 2024-11-20 08:06:20