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50575 - Meet the Robinsons - Lewis and Wilbur - Walt Disney Imagineering

50575 - Meet the Robinsons - Lewis and Wilbur - Walt Disney Imagineering

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PIN & POP PIN ID: 50575

Lewis and Wilbur is a Limited Edition (LE) 250 pin from the Meet the Robinsons Disney pin series. It was originally released on March 17th, 2022 and was available from Walt Disney Imagineering.

Pin features Lewis and Wilbur Robinson from Meet the Robinsons

View all 16 pins from the series Meet the Robinsons


Pin Lewis and Wilbur
Series Meet the Robinsons
Origin Walt Disney Imagineering (WDI)
Edition Limited Edition 250
Release Date 2022-03-17
Original Price $24.95
SKU 400949866765
Pin Tags
Meet the Robinsons Lewis Wilbur Robinson
Pin Trading PTDB 45401
My Pin CentralMPC 163755
Thanks to PinTradingDB for adding this pin.
Pin Description:
WDI -Meet the Robinson’s 15th anniversary - Lewis and Wilbur Robinson

This pin series celebrates the 15th anniversary of the Disney animated film "Meet the Robinson’s " from Mickey’s of Glendale.

This pin finds Wilbur taking Lewis on a flying time machine that takes them to the year 2037, thirty years forward.

The circular red "(R)obinsons" insignia is a pin-on-pin element
Updated 2022-05-06 23:29:00