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63379 - Pirates of the Caribbean - Stalemate Chess

63379 - Pirates of the Caribbean - Stalemate Chess

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PIN & POP PIN ID: 63379

Stalemate Chess is an Open Edition pin from the Pirates of the Caribbean Disney pin series. It was originally released on January 1st, 2022 and was available from Multiple Sources (WDW, DLR, etc.).

View all 145 pins from the series Pirates of the Caribbean


Pin Stalemate Chess
Series Pirates of the Caribbean
Origin Multiple
Edition Open Edition
Release Date 2022-01-01
Original Price $11.99
SKU 400948665086
FAC FAC-000122-22100
Pin Tags
Pirates of the Caribbean (ride)
Pin Trading PTDB 54694
My Pin CentralMPC 122087
Thanks to Kathleen Duffy for adding this pin.
Pin Description:
Two skeletons sitting at a table playing chess inside of a cell. thin grey border on the curved portion of the pin. the top of the pin is curved (smooth) and the bottom mimics the shape of the table legs. the space between table legs is slightly uneven the pirates tattered clothing slightly extends off of the border on the bottom left and bottom right. background is pure black. there are no additional elements to this pin.

Silver, Mickey waffle print backing with print extending off the sides smoothly. Two stubs on either side of the post. Pin Trading Logo 2022 FAC-000122-22100, ©Disney, Made in China (in four languages)
Updated 2024-02-15 18:50:11