C-3PO Cybot Galatica Protocol Droids & Serv-o-Droid Dum-Series Pit Droid Pin Set 2 pins found

Serv-o-Droid Dum-Series Pit Droid
Star Wars Galaxy's Edge - Droid Depot - Serv-o-Droid Dum-Series Pit Droid - MLT
C-3PO - Cybot Galatica Protocol Droids
Star Wars Galaxy's Edge - Droid Depot - C-3PO - Cybot Galatica Protocol Droids - MLT
Star Wars Galaxy's Edge - Droid Depot

C-3PO Cybot Galatica Protocol Droids & Serv-o-Droid Dum-Series Pit Droid Pin Set (2 pins)

View Pin - P&P ID: 30781

Released in WDW and Disneyland, this is an Open Edition card with two pins. One pin features C-3PO, representing Protocol Droids. The second pin features a Serv-o-Droid, representing the Dum Series Pit Droids. Part of a large Droid Depot release. Pin price went to $17.99 before pin set was discontinued in 2024. SKU also changed on the $17.99 two pin set (400021069954).