Poster Pin and Medal of Yavin Lanyard Set - Full Set 2 pins found

Luke and Leia - Two Moons Poster
Star Wars Weekends 2014 - Luke and Leia - Two Moons Poster - WDW
Rebel Arch Poster
Star Wars Weekends 2014 - Rebel Arch Poster - WDW
Star Wars Weekends 2014

Poster Pin and Medal of Yavin Lanyard Set - Full Set (2 pins)

View Pin - P&P ID: 3288

This limited edition set features four (4) pins and one lanyard medallion, featuring the Medal of Yavin. The four pins are: Pin #258 - Luke and Leia 2 moon Poster pin (LE 1900) Pin #259 - Rebel Arch Poster Pin (LE 1900) Pin #260 - Vader Poster Pin (LE 1900) Pin #4921 - Yavin Medal Completer Pin (LE 700) The Yavin Medal Completer Pin was only available in this $100 lanyard set with 4 pins (500 sets) or the $300 framed pin set of 11 pins (200 sets). Three of the four pins were available for purchase separately, as part of this lanyard set, or as part of the 11-pin framed set.