Directional Sign Figment Figurine and Pin Set 2 pins found

Disneyland Directional SIgn
Trade City, USA - Disneyland Directional SIgn - WDW
Walt Disney World Directional Sign
Trade City, USA - Walt Disney World Directional Sign - WDW
Trade City, USA

Directional Sign Figment Figurine and Pin Set (2 pins)

View Pin - P&P ID: 83267

With Disney Trading Bag in hand and a lanyard full of pins, Figment is ready to make some trades in Trade City, USA. This figurine with two pins features the directional sign found in downtown Trade City that give directions to Disneyland Resort and Walt Disney World Resort. The figurine will measure approximately 6" tall by 3.65" wide. The two pins will be attached to the directional sign.