Duffy and Friends - Year of the Dragon Connecting Mystery Collection 8 pins found

Unopened Blind Box
Duffy and Friends - Year of the Dragon Connecting Mystery Collection - Unopened Blind Box - HKDL
Duffy and Dragon Head
Duffy and Friends - Year of the Dragon Connecting Mystery Collection - Duffy and Dragon Head - HKDL
Gelatoni and Dragon Torso
Duffy and Friends - Year of the Dragon Connecting Mystery Collection - Gelatoni and Dragon Torso - HKDL
'Olu Mel and Dragon Torso
Duffy and Friends - Year of the Dragon Connecting Mystery Collection - 'Olu Mel and Dragon Torso - HKDL
StellaLou and Dragon Torso
Duffy and Friends - Year of the Dragon Connecting Mystery Collection - StellaLou and Dragon Torso - HKDL
ShellieMay and Dragon Torso
Duffy and Friends - Year of the Dragon Connecting Mystery Collection - ShellieMay and Dragon Torso - HKDL
CookieAnn and Dragon Torso
Duffy and Friends - Year of the Dragon Connecting Mystery Collection - CookieAnn and Dragon Torso - HKDL
LinaBell and Dragon Tail
Duffy and Friends - Year of the Dragon Connecting Mystery Collection - LinaBell and Dragon Tail - HKDL