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2560 - Journey Through Time Pin Event 2003 - Artist's Choice Pin - The Horned King, Chernabog and Creeper - Walt Disney World

2560 - Journey Through Time Pin Event 2003 - Artist's Choice Pin - The Horned King, Chernabog and Creeper - Walt Disney World

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PIN & POP PIN ID: 2560

The Horned King, Chernabog and Creeper is a Limited Edition (LE) 1000 pin from the Journey Through Time Pin Event 2003 - Artist's Choice Pin Disney pin series. It was originally released on September 19th, 2003 and was available from Walt Disney World.

Pin features Chernabog, The Horned King and Creeper from The Black Cauldron and Fantasia

View all 9 pins from the series Journey Through Time Pin Event 2003 - Artist's Choice Pin


Pin The Horned King, Chernabog and Creeper
Series Journey Through Time Pin Event 2003 - Artist's Choice Pin
Origin Walt Disney World (WDW)
Edition Limited Edition 1000
Release Date 2003-09-19
Original Price $10.50
SKU 400109713304
Pin Tags
Villains The Black Cauldron Fantasia Chernabog The Horned King Creeper
Pin Trading PTDB 3727
My Pin CentralMPC 94091
Thanks to PinTradingDB for adding this pin.
Pin Description:
RSP # 10 - The Horned King reaches out a skeletal hand to catch the Creeper on this limited edition pin released during the Journey Through Time Pin Event at Disneyworld.
This pin features a slider element and when the Horned King is slid up Chernabog from Fantasia is revealed against a yellow background with the words "Only the Beginning..."
The Horned King's fur coat is flocked, or "fuzzy".
Both the Horned King and the Creeper are pin-on-pin, attached to the siding element. The slime that spills over the cauldron glows in the dark.
The Artist Choice symbol, a pencil and paintbrush, can be seen under the Creeper.
Silver finished
Journey Through Time symbol backstamp
Updated 2023-11-29 00:58:33