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32812 - Knights of Pin Trading - Chip and Dale - Walt Disney World

32812 - Knights of Pin Trading - Chip and Dale - Walt Disney World

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PIN & POP PIN ID: 32812

Chip and Dale is a Limited Edition (LE) 500 pin from the Knights of Pin Trading Disney pin series. It was originally released on August 29th, 2008 and was available from Walt Disney World.

Pin features Chip and Dale

View all 7 pins from the series Knights of Pin Trading


Pin Chip and Dale
Series Knights of Pin Trading
Origin Walt Disney World (WDW)
Edition Limited Edition 500
Release Date 2008-08-29
Original Price $12.95
SKU 10906384
Pin Tags
Chip and Dale
Pin Trading PTDB 33843
My Pin CentralMPC 141812
Thanks to PinTradingDB for adding this pin.
Pin Description:
This Chip and Dale as Knight of Pin Traing is one in a series of pins released for pin trading nights at WDW Contemporary Resort. Pin on pin.

Chip, Dale and their flag are pin on pin.Dale wears a knight helment and body armor.Chip wears a hip skirt.Dale holds a flag pole with a blue flag and red acorn.There is a blue, red, yellow with Mickey pin trading logo in the middle shield. The top and bottom have yellow banner. Top reads: "Knights Of Pin Trading". Bottom reads: "Walt Disney World".

- 1 post
- 2 nubs
- DPT logo 2008
- LE 500
- copyright
- back surface is almost smooth (very finely textured)
Updated 2024-07-07 21:47:26