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61452 - Return of the Jedi 40th Anniversary - Star Wars: The Saga Continues - Disney Studio Store Hollywood / Soda Fountain

61452 - Return of the Jedi 40th Anniversary - Star Wars: The Saga Continues - Disney Studio Store Hollywood / Soda Fountain

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PIN & POP PIN ID: 61452

Star Wars: The Saga Continues is a Limited Edition (LE) 400 pin from the Return of the Jedi 40th Anniversary Disney pin series. It was originally released on April 20th, 2023 and was available from Disney Studio Store Hollywood / Soda Fountain.

Pin features Darth Vader from Episode VI: Return of the Jedi

View all 17 pins from the series Return of the Jedi 40th Anniversary


Pin Star Wars: The Saga Continues
Series Return of the Jedi 40th Anniversary
Origin Disney Studio Store Hollywood / Soda Fountain (DSSH)
Edition Limited Edition 400
Release Date 2023-04-20
Original Price $26.95
Pin Tags
40th Star Wars Darth Vader Episode VI: Return of the Jedi
Pin Trading PTDB 51569
My Pin CentralMPC 157227
Thanks to Melinda for adding this pin.
Pin Description:
DSSH - Star Wars Return of the Jedi 40th Posters - The Saga Continues

Poster of Darth Vadar with him fighting Luke Skywalker. Name on poster is "Revenge of the Jedi" which was the original title. Background has exploding deathstar. The background is space with starts and planets. Pin frame is gold with two lighsabers (one red and one blue) along the left and right sides of the pin. The bottom has the number '40'.

The semi-hidden part of the pin release on Thursday, April 20, 2023, at Disney Studio Store Hollywood. Announced pins from same release included Spring Wreaths. It was a California resident exclusive.

Four (4) Star Wars Posters: Limited edition of 400 and the retail price is $29.95 each.
Updated 2023-07-11 09:20:22